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- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Module: QD3DErrors.h **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Purpose: Error API and error codes **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef QD3DError_h
- #define QD3DError_h
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #include <Types.h>
- #endif /* OS_MACINTOSH */
- #if defined(THINK_C) || defined(__SC__)
- #pragma options(!pack_enums, !align_arrays)
- #pragma SC options align=power
- #elif defined(__MWERKS__)
- #pragma enumsalwaysint on
- #pragma align_array_members off
- #pragma options align=native
- #elif defined(__PPCC__)
- #pragma options align=power
- #elif defined(__xlc) || defined(__xlC) || defined(__xlC__) || defined(__XLC121__)
- #pragma options enum=int
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Error Types and Codes **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- typedef enum TQ3Error {
- kQ3ErrorNone = 0,
- /* Fatal Errors */
- kQ3ErrorInternalError = -28500,
- kQ3ErrorNoRecovery,
- kQ3ErrorLastFatalError,
- /* System Errors */
- kQ3ErrorNotInitialized = -28490,
- kQ3ErrorAlreadyInitialized,
- kQ3ErrorUnimplemented,
- kQ3ErrorRegistrationFailed,
- /* OS Errors */
- kQ3ErrorUnixError,
- kQ3ErrorMacintoshError,
- kQ3ErrorX11Error,
- /* Memory Errors */
- kQ3ErrorMemoryLeak,
- kQ3ErrorOutOfMemory,
- /* Parameter errors */
- kQ3ErrorNULLParameter,
- kQ3ErrorParameterOutOfRange,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidParameter,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidData,
- kQ3ErrorAcceleratorAlreadySet,
- kQ3ErrorVector3DNotUnitLength,
- kQ3ErrorVector3DZeroLength,
- /* Object Errors */
- kQ3ErrorInvalidObject,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidObjectClass,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidObjectType,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidObjectName,
- kQ3ErrorObjectClassInUse,
- kQ3ErrorAccessRestricted,
- kQ3ErrorMetaHandlerRequired,
- kQ3ErrorNeedRequiredMethods,
- kQ3ErrorNoSubClassType,
- kQ3ErrorUnknownElementType,
- kQ3ErrorNotSupported,
- /* Extension Errors */
- kQ3ErrorNoExtensionsFolder,
- kQ3ErrorExtensionError,
- kQ3ErrorPrivateExtensionError,
- /* Geometry Errors */
- kQ3ErrorDegenerateGeometry,
- kQ3ErrorGeometryInsufficientNumberOfPoints,
- /* IO Errors */
- kQ3ErrorNoStorageSetForFile,
- kQ3ErrorEndOfFile,
- kQ3ErrorFileCancelled,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidMetafile,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidMetafilePrimitive,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidMetafileLabel,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidMetafileObject,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidMetafileSubObject,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidSubObjectForObject,
- kQ3ErrorUnresolvableReference,
- kQ3ErrorUnknownObject,
- kQ3ErrorStorageInUse,
- kQ3ErrorStorageAlreadyOpen,
- kQ3ErrorStorageNotOpen,
- kQ3ErrorStorageIsOpen,
- kQ3ErrorFileAlreadyOpen,
- kQ3ErrorFileNotOpen,
- kQ3ErrorFileIsOpen,
- kQ3ErrorBeginWriteAlreadyCalled,
- kQ3ErrorBeginWriteNotCalled,
- kQ3ErrorEndWriteNotCalled,
- kQ3ErrorReadStateInactive,
- kQ3ErrorStateUnavailable,
- kQ3ErrorWriteStateInactive,
- kQ3ErrorSizeNotLongAligned,
- kQ3ErrorFileModeRestriction,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidHexString,
- kQ3ErrorWroteMoreThanSize,
- kQ3ErrorWroteLessThanSize,
- kQ3ErrorReadLessThanSize,
- kQ3ErrorReadMoreThanSize,
- kQ3ErrorNoBeginGroup,
- kQ3ErrorSizeMismatch,
- kQ3ErrorStringExceedsMaximumLength,
- kQ3ErrorValueExceedsMaximumSize,
- kQ3ErrorNonUniqueLabel,
- kQ3ErrorEndOfContainer,
- kQ3ErrorUnmatchedEndGroup,
- kQ3ErrorFileVersionExists,
- /* View errors */
- kQ3ErrorViewNotStarted,
- kQ3ErrorViewIsStarted,
- kQ3ErrorRendererNotSet,
- kQ3ErrorRenderingIsActive,
- kQ3ErrorImmediateModeUnderflow,
- kQ3ErrorDisplayNotSet,
- kQ3ErrorCameraNotSet,
- kQ3ErrorDrawContextNotSet,
- kQ3ErrorNonInvertibleMatrix,
- kQ3ErrorRenderingNotStarted,
- kQ3ErrorPickingNotStarted,
- kQ3ErrorBoundsNotStarted,
- kQ3ErrorDataNotAvailable,
- kQ3ErrorNothingToPop,
- /* Renderer Errors */
- kQ3ErrorUnknownStudioType,
- kQ3ErrorAlreadyRendering,
- kQ3ErrorStartGroupRange,
- kQ3ErrorUnsupportedGeometryType,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidGeometryType,
- kQ3ErrorUnsupportedFunctionality,
- /* Group Errors */
- kQ3ErrorInvalidPositionForGroup,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidObjectForGroup,
- kQ3ErrorInvalidObjectForPosition,
- /* Transform Errors */
- kQ3ErrorScaleOfZero,
- /* String Errors */
- kQ3ErrorBadStringType,
- /* Attribute Errors */
- kQ3ErrorAttributeNotContained,
- kQ3ErrorAttributeInvalidType,
- /* Camera Errors */
- kQ3ErrorInvalidCameraValues,
- /* DrawContext Errors */
- kQ3ErrorBadDrawContextType,
- kQ3ErrorBadDrawContextFlag,
- kQ3ErrorBadDrawContext,
- kQ3ErrorUnsupportedPixelDepth,
- /* Controller Errors */
- kQ3ErrorController,
- /* Tracker Errors */
- kQ3ErrorTracker,
- /* Another OS Error */
- kQ3ErrorWin32Error
- } TQ3Error;
- typedef enum TQ3Warning {
- kQ3WarningNone = 0,
- /* General System */
- kQ3WarningInternalException = -28300,
- /* Object Warnings */
- kQ3WarningNoObjectSupportForDuplicateMethod,
- kQ3WarningNoObjectSupportForDrawMethod,
- kQ3WarningNoObjectSupportForWriteMethod,
- kQ3WarningNoObjectSupportForReadMethod,
- kQ3WarningUnknownElementType,
- kQ3WarningTypeAndMethodAlreadyDefined,
- kQ3WarningTypeIsOutOfRange,
- kQ3WarningTypeHasNotBeenRegistered,
- /* Parameter Warnings */
- kQ3WarningVector3DNotUnitLength,
- /* IO Warnings */
- kQ3WarningInvalidSubObjectForObject,
- kQ3WarningInvalidHexString,
- kQ3WarningUnknownObject,
- kQ3WarningInvalidMetafileObject,
- kQ3WarningUnmatchedBeginGroup,
- kQ3WarningUnmatchedEndGroup,
- kQ3WarningInvalidTableOfContents,
- kQ3WarningUnresolvableReference,
- kQ3WarningNoAttachMethod,
- kQ3WarningInconsistentData,
- kQ3WarningReadLessThanSize,
- kQ3WarningFilePointerResolutionFailed,
- kQ3WarningFilePointerRedefined,
- kQ3WarningStringExceedsMaximumLength,
- /* Memory Warnings */
- kQ3WarningLowMemory,
- kQ3WarningPossibleMemoryLeak,
- /* View Warnings */
- kQ3WarningViewTraversalInProgress,
- kQ3WarningNonInvertibleMatrix,
- /* Quaternion Warning */
- kQ3WarningQuaternionEntriesAreZero,
- /* Renderer Warning */
- kQ3WarningFunctionalityNotSupported,
- /* DrawContext Warning */
- kQ3WarningInvalidPaneDimensions,
- /* Pick Warning */
- kQ3WarningPickParamOutside,
- /* Scale Warnings */
- kQ3WarningScaleEntriesAllZero,
- kQ3WarningScaleContainsNegativeEntries,
- /* Generic Warnings */
- kQ3WarningParameterOutOfRange
- } TQ3Warning;
- typedef enum TQ3Notice {
- kQ3NoticeNone = 0,
- kQ3NoticeDataAlreadyEmpty = -28100,
- kQ3NoticeMethodNotSupported,
- kQ3NoticeObjectAlreadySet,
- kQ3NoticeParameterOutOfRange,
- kQ3NoticeFileAliasWasChanged,
- kQ3NoticeMeshVertexHasNoComponent,
- kQ3NoticeMeshInvalidVertexFacePair,
- kQ3NoticeMeshEdgeVertexDoNotCorrespond,
- kQ3NoticeMeshEdgeIsNotBoundary,
- kQ3NoticeDrawContextNotSetUsingInternalDefaults,
- kQ3NoticeInvalidAttenuationTypeUsingInternalDefaults,
- kQ3NoticeBrightnessGreaterThanOne,
- kQ3NoticeScaleContainsZeroEntries,
- kQ3NoticeSystemAlreadyInitialized,
- kQ3NoticeViewSyncCalledAgain
- } TQ3Notice;
- typedef void (*TQ3ErrorMethod)(
- TQ3Error firstError,
- TQ3Error lastError,
- long reference);
- typedef void (*TQ3WarningMethod)(
- TQ3Warning firstWarning,
- TQ3Warning lastWarning,
- long reference);
- typedef void (*TQ3NoticeMethod)(
- TQ3Notice firstNotice,
- TQ3Notice lastNotice,
- long reference);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Error Routines **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Error_Register(
- TQ3ErrorMethod errorPost,
- long reference);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Warning_Register(
- TQ3WarningMethod warningPost,
- long reference);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Notice_Register(
- TQ3NoticeMethod noticePost,
- long reference);
- /*
- * Getting error codes -
- * Clears error type on next entry into system (except all of these
- * error calls), and returns the last error, and optionally the
- * first error. The parameter to these "_Get" calls may be NULL.
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Error Q3Error_Get(
- TQ3Error *firstError);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Boolean Q3Error_IsFatalError(
- TQ3Error error);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Warning Q3Warning_Get(
- TQ3Warning *firstWarning);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Notice Q3Notice_Get(
- TQ3Notice *firstNotice);
- QD3D_EXPORT OSErr Q3MacintoshError_Get(
- OSErr *firstMacErr);
- #endif /* OS_MACINTOSH */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #if defined(__MWERKS__)
- #pragma enumsalwaysint reset
- #elif defined(__xlc) || defined(__xlC) || defined(__xlC__) || defined(__XLC121__)
- #pragma options enum=reset
- #endif
- #endif /* QD3DError_h */